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God is calling us is to be a people who,

Gather is defined as “Come together; assemble or accumulate; bring together and take in from scattered places.”


Growth is part of our development as humans. When we come out of the womb, we begin to grow and develop. It’s just natural. But when it comes to our spiritual lives, growth is expected but it does not come naturally to us. 


Yes, this giving includes our finances. Giving of tithes and offerings should be part of the walk of faith for every follower of Jesus. If you aren’t giving to the Lord through your finances, you need to be.

If you are a follower of Jesus, God has given you spiritual gifts for you to use, so that the Body of Christ, the church, may be built up and strengthened.



Whether you’re new to church, have been a Christian for many years, or are looking for a fresh start, you’re welcome here. Our hope is to give you a place where you experience a fresh, enjoyable connection to God and a community of people. 

We keep our focus simple so we can have the biggest impact possible. Everything we do as a church is filtered through our focus on helping every person live the full life for which God created all of us.



Victory Life Church was founded on July 1, 1927 by Pastor J.E. Austell as Pentacostal Assembly of God. As the church continued to grow, Pastor Austell always pointed to the day he climbed Mt. Garfield and prayed for God to do something great in the beautiful Grand Valley. Over the next 93 years and under the various, fruitful ministries of 15 Senior Pastors, God is still moving in and through what is now Victory Life Church. Growth has continued numerically, financially, and most importantly, spiritually. 

What began as a dream, a whisper from the Holy Spirit in 1927 has now grown into a life giving fellowship with strong ministries to kids, students, and adults of all ages. Jesus said he would build his church, and he continues to do just that in western Colorado.

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